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Survival of the fittest

Many people are not aware that the US had its own age of eugenics.

Reader Comments (4)

Let me ask something, do you read something more than extreme right magazines? Always that is the only things posted.

February 15, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterDamien Hirst

Maybe that tells you something about the other side. I check regularly the New Yorker, Slate, Salon, the New Republic (by
far the best of the bunch, but not available
for free), even Commonweal. Personally I
seldom find stuff I deem interesting, and I
suspect there is a reason: by and large the
left has given up on fundamental questions,
and is absorbed by short-term political concerns (while the underlying philosophical trend has been essentially nihilistic). This is the same reason why I almost never find anything interesting in National Review (have you noticed?)
Anyway, I am open to suggestions; what I
read is listed in the left column.

February 15, 2007 | Unregistered Commentercarlo

For more info on this subject, please refer to:

"War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race" by Edwin Black (Copyright 2003)

(not a member of the vast right wing conspiracy.......as far as I know???).


February 18, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I sympathize with Damien to a degree... I think this blog is inadvertently taking on a right wing tone of alarmism and dour spirits... the opposite of what Crossroads is...

February 19, 2007 | Unregistered Commenterampleforth

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